Embrace Your Inner Nerd! Here’s The 10 Sexiest Female Cosplayers
There was a time when admitting that you played Dungeons and Dragons was a guaranteed first class ticket to Forever Alonesville.
Well, rip up that ticket! Cosplay – the art of dressing up like your favourite character – is big business and now attracts some of the most attractive (and scantily dressed) women in the world, as these 10 beauties illustrate.
Now where did we put our Poison Goblin Warchief card?
Carrie La Chance
Crystal Graziano
Jacqueline Goehner
Katyuska Moonfox
LeeAnna Vamp
Lisa Who Who
Liz Katz
Maria Ramos
Raychul Moore
Traci Hines
Embrace Your Inner Nerd! Here’s The 10 Sexiest Female Cosplayers